Our Ethos

Meaning We aim to design spaces that bring meaning to the daily rituals of everyday life. Delightful spaces, that respond to the pragmatic and emotional needs of the inhabitants. The home is a sanctuary, a place to recharge, to gather and to seek comfort. The building should express the personalities and aspirations of the family, and become part of the story of that family’s life.

Quality We are committed to high quality, innovative design that responds specifically to the site, budget and brief.

Architecture is for Everyone Good design is achievable at any budget. We provide a range of services that cater for all budgets and all levels of involvement of the Architect.

Collaboration We have built strong relationships with Builders, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects and Consultants. Mutual respect for each other’s skills and opinions results in the best possible outcomes for the building.

Work with what you’ve Got We look at the positive qualities of the site and any existing buildings to maximise opportunities. We keep the stuff that works and change the stuff that doesn’t… this translates to using the budget wisely.

Sustainability We favour an approach that contributes positively to the health and wellbeing of the occupants and the community.

Have Fun We endeavour to make the design and building process fun and inspiring. We are passionate about what we do and aim to making the building journey one of mutual enjoyment.


Kristy Warwick-Smith Architect

Perth Architect

Specialising in Residential Design & Construction

Registered Architect No.: 2723

Registered Building Practitioner No.: 102118

ABN: 50534480396